
How to Deal with Epilepsy

The first time you see a seizure, the experience can be quite shocking. When parents have children who suffer a febrile seizure, for example, they often aren’t ready for what’s happening and don’t know how to respond.

It can be traumatizing both for the person who suffers the seizure and people in the area who feel helpless about what to do.

People who live with epilepsy know that it’s a neurological disorder that causes seizures or similar breaks in behavior or sensation. People who suffer from epilepsy can experience a wide range of symptoms. They can have small ticks or simply drop out of consciousness for a moment. If no one knew anyone better, you might think they were daydreaming.

On the other end of the spectrum, epilepsy can express itself in the form of full-blown violent seizures that pose a physical safety risk to the patient. They could faint and hit their head on a hard object or fall into traffic on the street.

Learning to deal with epilepsy is a must. For many, there are no cures, so prevention, keeping people aware of the condition, and treatment is critical. Here are some tips on how you can live with epilepsy whether the disorder is yours or someone you love has epilepsy.

Know the Symptoms

Seizures are the most striking symptom of epilepsy, but they aren’t the only ones. People with epilepsy also experience symptoms like:

Staring trance – A person with epilepsy can appear to stare off into the distance and will not be responsive to other people or what is happening around them.

Repetitive motions – They can repeat the same movement over and over. It can look like a common tick.

Dizziness- Epileptics can get dizzy and become confused or disoriented. This usually happens temporarily and won’t last long.

Emotional swings – Mood swings or other sudden changes in temperament can be a symptom of epilepsy.

These are just some of the symptoms. If you think you or know you are epileptic, or you’re close to someone with the condition, knowing the symptoms will help keep the patient safe. It’s the first step in knowing what to do.

Learn Which Preventative Measures Work

If you come across someone having an epileptic episode, one of the hardest things to do is simply do nothing. Intervening in an epileptic attack can harm someone or cause the situation to worsen. If the person experiencing an epileptic episode is in no present danger, then you should leave them be and let the symptoms run their course.

Continue to speak calmly to them to walk them through whatever is happening. If possible, remove any harmful objects in the area that could hurt them if the person fell into them or knocked them over.

Take note of the time when the seizure starts and track how long the symptoms last. If it doesn’t stop in five minutes, then you should call for help from emergency first responders. When the seizure halts and the person is unconscious, check to make sure they are breathing and their airway is clear. Finally, stay with them until they start to recover.

Coming out of a seizure can be disorienting and stressful. Having you there to tell them what happened will help soothe them.

What Not to Do When Seizures Happen

Some people think that putting something in a person’s mouth when they are having a seizure will protect them. The thinking in the past was that it would prevent them from damaging their tongue. However, the person having a seizure loses control over their movements. They often clench their jaws very tightly. It’s possible whatever is placed in their mouth could break and cause them to choke. Don’t put anything in their mouth.

Also, do not make attempts to restrain them. It can exacerbate the situation, cause harm to whoever is having a seizure, and traumatize them. Just clear the area and let the seizure work its way to the end. It should be over in a matter of minutes.

Peptides and Seizures

In a recent study in mice with epilepsy, the peptide sermorelin showed promising results when it came to suppressing seizures. In the body, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analogs are known to suppress seizures. Sermorelin, on the other hand, is a growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH). In the study on mice, those that were given sermorelin saw their GABA receptors activated, and their response to the treatment was positive without some of the harmful side effects of common anti-epilepsy drugs. There is another popular peptide which is ipamorelin. If you would like to learn the difference between ipamorelin and sermorelin you read it here. The peptides are currently undergoing research and have many future medical possibilities.

Seek Medical Attention for Epilepsy Treatment

There is a range of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) that a doctor can prescribe to treat epilepsy. By managing the effects of the disorder, people can live more fulfilling lives without constant worry about having an attack. As always, talk to your medical professional about the best course of action and create a treatment and prevention plan that works for you.

Get more details on the blend of these two peptides, including some benefits and side effects, click on this ipamorelin sermorelin page.

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